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Unleash an Unstoppable Mindset

All agency challenges require team behavioral change

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Traditional Behavioral Change Approaches Only Consider 2 Key Factors

1. Alignment

Agreement to create a common vision/focus on goals

2. Motivation

Purpose to gain traction

3 out of every 4 transformation initiatives fail
Source: Boston Consulting Group
Results of a recent survey of 1,087 board members which found that all their organizations were undergoing, or had recently undergone, a change management initiative and that the number 1 reason for firing or forcing out their CEO was the inability to manage change. 
Source: Forbes

We Work With 4 Key Factors for Sustained Behavior Change

1. Alignment

Agreement to create a common vision/focus on goals

2. Motivation

Purpose to gain traction

3. Belief

Fuel (unconscious) to power the outcome 

4. Behaviors

Pre-seeded learnings (unconscious) based on past experience

Belief and behaviors are based at a subconscious level. Pre-programmed as part of our upbringing and early learning process.


Alignment and motivation on the other hand, are cognitive by nature and can be influenced on the day.


For change management to work, we must engage subconscious interventions to align and support the cognitive parts (alignment and motivation) by re-framing the beliefs and behaviors to ensure long term change and success.

Begin your journey today:
Tel:  +1 215 622 3339  
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